iron ore waste as coarse aggregate in concrete

Iron Ore Waste As Coarse Aggregate In Concrete

Iron Ore Waste As Coarse Aggregate In Concrete

Iron Ore Waste As Coarse Aggregate In Concrete. Iron Ore Waste As Coarse Aggregate In Concrete fe aggregate and FA as a part replacement to cement, concrete mixes. Iron ore me tailg is one of the waste materials generated from the mguse of red mud and iron …

Reuse of iron ore mineral wastes in civil …

1-9-2008 · Goa is well known for its iron and manganese ore production. Important iron ore deposits are located in Bicholim, Sanguem, and Sattari talukas (shaded portion on the mineralogical map of Goa state, Fig. 1). Value of mineral production in the tiny state of Goa is at US$ 80 million during 2001–2002, about 98% of which is contributed by iron ore ...

The Utilization of Waste as Iron Ore in Making …

The Utilization of Waste as Iron Ore in Making Concrete Aggregate Quality K.300 Concrete is an manmade building material that looks like stone. Concrete is a composite material consisting of coarse-grained material (aggregates or fillers) that is embedded in a solid matrix of material (cement or binder) that fills the space between the aggregate particles and glues them together.

Utilisation of iron ore tailings as aggregates in concrete

Utilisation of iron ore tailings as aggregates in concrete Francis Atta Kuranchie 1*, Sanjay Kumar Shukla , Daryoush Habibi and Alireza Mohyeddin1 Abstract: Sustainable handling of iron ore tailings is of prime concern to all stakehold-ers who are into iron ore mining. This study seeks to …

Study on Utilization of Iron Ore Tailings as Fine ...

waste (Iron ore tailings) instead of sand can be used as high strength concrete as it is giving more strength than normal OPC concrete. Concrete with mining waste as fine aggregate and GGBS content up to 50-60% can be used to flooring purposes which results in high decrease in cost.

Mangalore Tile Waste As Coarse Aggregate In …

Tile Waste As Coarse Aggregate In Concrete potential of using the broken clay tiles in concrete as an aggregate is studied in this study. A green approach is to use waste material in construction. Today, alternative materials to replace constituent concrete materials are a hot research topic.

Cost Effective Concrete by Using Mangalore Tile …

1.Ayano T, Sakata K.(2000), “ Durability of concrete with iron ore slag fine aggregate”, The 5th CANMET/ACI international conference on durability of concrete, pp 141–158. 2.M .C. Nataraj et al’ ,” A simplified mix proportioning for cement based composites with crushed tile waste aggregate”, ’Journal of scientific &Industrial research’, vol. 70, May 2011, page no 385-390.

Cost Effective Concrete by Using Mangalore Tile …

Ayano T, Sakata K.(2000), " Durability of concrete with iron ore slag fine aggregate", ... This study presents a procedure to proportion concrete mixes with tile waste as coarse aggregate.

Use of Blast Furnace Slag Aggregate in Concrete

types of concrete mixes, i.e., one comprising blast furnace slag and the other comprising granite stone as coarse aggregates. The compressive strength of BFS aggregate concrete is higher than that of the stone aggregate concrete at the age of 90 days. 1.3.Slag- Manufacturing and Types In the production of iron, iron ore, iron scrap, and fluxes


2.2 Ceramic Waste As partial Replacement for Course Aggregate Concrete Production 4 2.2.1 Properties of Ceramic Coarse Aggregates 5 2.2.2 Properties of Concrete That Were Made from Ceramic Waste Coarse Aggregate 6 2.2.3 Type Of Ceramic Waste 9 2.2.4 Other Application of Ceramic waste substitution 9 2.3 Aggregates 10

Experimental Study on the Properties of Concrete …

As shown in Figure 3, the slumps and liquidity of concrete mixed with iron ore tailings decreased compared with that of normal concrete under the same condition (water, mixture ratio, admixture, etc.).This phenomenon arises because the particles of iron ore tailings are rough and occluded with coarse aggregate, so cohesion increases significantly in the tailing mixes.

Evaluation of iron ore tailings as replacement for …

1-9-2016 · Concrete containing iron ore tailings ... Correia et al. observed similar trend when ceramic waste was used as coarse aggregate. They reported that water absorption by immersion increases with the increase in proportion of ceramic aggregates in the concrete mix.

Utilization of Industrial Waste Slag as Aggregate in ...

Utilization of Industrial Waste Slag as Aggregate in Concrete Applications by Adop ting Taguchi’s Approach for Optimization . ... coarse aggregate was replaced by crystallized slag coarse aggregate keeping fine aggregate ... which reduces iron ore into molten iron product.

Experimental Investigation Of Coarse Aggregate With Steel ...

The furnace slag also combines with calcium oxide and iron oxide. Both of these actions result in a denser, stronger and less permeable material. In this slag concrete we have replaced coarse aggregate up to 50, 60 and 70 percent by furnace slag. Slag has been used as an addition to concrete up to 70 percent by weight of coarse aggregate.

(PDF) Use of iron ore mine tailings in infrastructure …

The aim of this study is to evaluate the suitability of iron ore waste as partial replacement of coarse aggregates in concrete with ... to use in concrete as a replacement of fine aggregate.

Partial Replacement of E- Waste with Coarse Aggregate in ...

The E- waste material is calculated on weight basis as coarse aggregate in the conventional mix: The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate with various E- waste contents is observed as 6.9. The divided particle size is assumed to be between 10mm and 20mm. Then E- waste particles can be considered as partial coarse aggregates.


construction material to coarse aggregate in concrete. Besides economical and strength criteria, concrete made from waste materials as aggregates, solves the disposal problem of these waste materials. References [1] Weihua Jin, Christian Meyer and Stephen Baxter, (2000), Glascrete – Concrete with Glass Aggregate, ACI Materials

Wood waste as coarse aggregate in the production …

23-3-2018 · An attempt was made in this experimental investigation to recycle stone waste. Concrete-containing stone aggregate in percentages of 0, 15, 20 and 25 in place of crushed stone was developed with a characteristic compressive strength of 25 MPa, with a mix proportion of 1:1.26:2.76 and with water/cement ratio of .45. One hundred and twenty specimens were cast and tested to evaluate the …

Wood Waste as Coarse Aggregate in the …

An attempt was made in this experimental investigation to recycle stone waste. Concrete-containing stone aggregate in percentages of 0, 15, 20 and 25 in place of crushed stone was developed with a characteristic compressive strength of 25 MPa, with a

(PDF) The use of ceramic waste aggregates in …

The use of aggregates from construction and demolition pursues a twofold objective. On the one side an economic advantage derived by cutting down on the use of high grade quarry aggregates and reducing distances travelled by the material. On the

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